Hello and welcome to RAVEN'S HEARTH!

My name is Leslie. I'm a vegan, an artist and a professional classical singer.

For as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated with the sun and the moon. When I was younger I didn't understand the significance, I just knew it mattered to me.

I grew up with a Great-Aunt who read tea leaves and made magical things out of nothing. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was learning what it meant to be a healer and a maker of magic.

My practice is about light and love. I love God (I believe she is in everything and is everywhere). My spiritual practice sometimes embraces the dark, as there is always darkness and light.

I'm happy to be offering some new creations here ... all of the balms/sprays, etc. are natural and vegan. In addition, I hope you'll take a look at some of the beautiful jewelry I have to offer.

Thank you for stopping by. Blessings to you.
